My Bad…

Haven’t really been keeping up to the ‘every 5 o’ clock’ routine, but I guess that means that I have quite a good blog to post now. 

Well the last time I posted it was the day after PR Day… so since then I’ve been to hospital, London, a pantomime and I’ve been with Phil.

I guess I’ll start with the hospital. That was only last Wednesday. So basically I’ve been having problems with migraines and that has affected my eyes πŸ˜”. Well I did go to the hospital before Christmas at the start of December and they referred me to the neurological department. Anyway, when we got there the doctor (neurologist) started doing reflex things and tested my balance. But it was funny because the balance test was the same as the roadside drink drive test, but maybe I shouldn’t have said that… Oh well. Anyway apparently I have been having 2 types of headaches. The first is severe migraines. The other is these tension headaches (Don’t worry… I don’t know either πŸ˜‚). So I have to go to my GP and get some medication. After that I went to burger king (that’s in the hospital) and went home. Woooo! Don’t have to go to school for the rest of the day haha. 

On Sunday, me, Mum, my aunt and cousin went to see this pantomime about repunzul or something. Mum snuck in the food and drink… You know what’s going down πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ but I wanted a large pepsi so I went to the bar. It lasted about 1 or 2 hours and that’s pretty much it. 

On Tuesday I finished my last period in school and saw Phil pretty much outside my classroom. Well that was a surprise. He’s got a new phone and had nothing to do so we went back to my house and played some Black Ops III and Grand Theft Auto V. Then he went to have dinner at my aunts. So that was quite fun…

This weekend I have been in London. It’s quite a regular thing but I love it. Yesterday I was on a bus with my nan and at the Central the bus got packed. Well at our stop I thought I will stand up and push my way through. But it turned out that I stood up and I was the tallest in the bus by like 3 or 4 inches so they just moved out of my way πŸ˜‚. Today we were going to go to the huge Sainsburys opp. Walthamstow Stadium, but unfortunately didn’t have time because a family member came to my nans house.

Well that’s pretty much it. I hope you have enjoyed this post.

If you want to see me on YouTube it’s Cr4zy Gamer

Sorry πŸ˜”

Hey Guys. I’m sorry but I’ve been a bit ill so I haven’t been posting. PR Day was interesting (that is a day where we have to go in for 20 mins) because u went and met Rhys and mason and Ellis.

Sorry but I can’t post much… I am still ill. Bye πŸ€’

At The Party!!

Well it’s okay, I have had pizza and other party food and had like 2 litres of drink. Haha. Me and Rosemary (my cousin) have pretty much been on out phones the whole time. 

Anyway I’ll try and post when I get home, if not I’ll talk tomorrow. Bye 🎡


Well today was a bit of a let down. I was going to sleep over at Rhys and Mason’s tonight but their mum and dad wasn’t going to be home so I guess not. It’s a shame because we all had been looking forward to it since Monday… but I suppose that it wasn’t really going to happen if I’m honest.

On the bright side, I am going to my uncle’s birthday party with the family tomorrow, but there is only one problem, I don’t particularly like him that much. Oh well, I suppose it could be a pretty good day as long as I don’t get annoyed with him haha.

It’s weird; Usually I am going to my nan’s this weekend but instead I’m going to be at my Uncle’s and home the next day.

At the moment I’m just on my dual monitor setup, looking at some files. I’m about to start playing music once I’ve done typing up and posting this blog…

Anyways,Β That’s pretty much it so I’ll post tomorrow and until then, Bye!!

Evening All

Hey Guys. We’ll I am a bit bored today but I’m about to go watch Need for Speed the movie. Sorry… Not much to post. It was just a normal day. Media was fun I suppose but I haven’t finished my work. I am supposed to do this thing with a group of other year 10’s tomorrow with the principal. I’m not sure whether to be excited or worried πŸ˜‚. Anyway I’ll post tomorrow. Bye!

Time to play XboxΒ 

Well I’ve just got home from school and it’s been okay, most of the lessons were quite quick and easy but history dragged a bit. Oh well. Now I’m just waiting for Rhys and Ellis to come online so we can finish minecraft. 

I’m thinking of setting up a tech youtube channel. At the moment I only have one channel: Cr4zy Gamer. We’ll see shall we 😏. 

So….. Back Again!

Hey Guys! Today has been a good day. We got a new science teacher (which was good because the old one didn’t let us do anything), I played games with one of my best friends that I have known since year 7, and I think that me and someone who fell out are friends again. This morning though 😨. It was raining and I had to bike to school. Argh!! Oh well, anyway. I will post tomorrow… Byez!!! πŸŒ›