Quick Update

Well I’m going to try and blog every 5pm so this is my daily update. It hasn’t been long since I last spoke to you so not much has changed! I have run updates to Windows 8.1 and my mum got a toaster at Sainsburys. At the moment I am watching some TV apartment programme thing so I’m not paying much attention haha. I’m having pizza in a minute and I’ve got to go feed the dog. I’ve watched Ghost busters on my laptop which I suppose was okay. Anyway. Blog tomorrow laterz haha!

My First Post

Well Hey Guys! Today I thought I should share my life with the world so that when I am older I can look back on my life and see what has gone on day after day. I’m not very good at keeping to diaries, calendars, that sort of thing so I’ll see how this goes. I am going to try to remember to post at least once a day. I believe that this will help me.

Today I have pretty much done nothing. I had soup at about 12ish and went on my laptop. I have installed (dualbooted) Windows 8.1 with Windows 10, so that I can have a mixture of operating systems. This is good for me because although it’s not the biggest, I can easily split 500GB of storage especially as I have 10TB of space on my onedrive and plenty of other online storage accounts.

On my phone I watched New Tricks wall-to-wall haha. It’s a shame that it had to finish because I reckon it could’ve been a really good series for a really good time!

Anyway, thanks for reading and if this is my future-self then ‘Hi from 10th of Jan 2016!!’